
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weekly Favorites 1/18

Here are some of my favorite reads this week:


My son loved this worksheet! It's a great starting point to learn how to read a clock: Telling time preschool worksheets

When considering what skills my son (and the kids of his generation) would need to get a great career, one cannot ignore the fact that AI and robots will be taking over a lot of jobs by the time they grow up (probably even sooner). Even the skills currently in need or popular to study may not be so in the future. I love the conclusion, though, that we need real physical experiences to stay ahead of AI and robots in the article

I'm a very typical introvert. I do like my introverted nature most of the time but many other times I wish things were a little different. So it's nice to be reminded of positive aspects of being an introvert in The 12 Gifts Of Introversion 

Learning Spanish
My Spanish skills are not so great yet but hopefully soon I can learn more natural conversation from one of these shows: Top 5  Spanish TV shows that will let you learn  Spaish on your couch


One of my goals last year was to squeeze in some reading time for enjoyment, even for a few minutes, everyday, because I felt like I hadn't done anything just for fun in a long while. Happily I was actually able to finish a few novels last year (which you can see in my read list on Goodreads or in the sidebar on my blog). The Perfume Collector is the most recent one I've finished reading and I loved it! It involves a woman who receied inheritance from a woman she didn't know. She went out to Paris to find out about her inheritance and this woman. Her story is beautifully intertwined with the story of this woman. It was actually not that difficult to guess who this woman was but you'd still want to know how and why. And the reference to perfume and scents was just fascinating for someone like me who used to own a collection of perfume.

If you liked these stories don't forget to follow me on FacebookTwitter, PinterestFlipboard to get notified as soon as I share them. Have a wonderful day :)

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